Thursday, December 26, 2013

Why Ordinary People Vote Republican and Extreme Party lLines

By Cheri, The Non-PC News Girl
Let's face it, Republicans in our time are the party for those people who have money. They are the wall-street party. They are the haves. They're not for those who have some savings in the bank or even for those who barely make six-figures. They are for those who make several six figures, millionaires and beyond.

The GOP's (grand old party) core aim is to maintain an outdated social status of those who were born into wealth and for everyone else to fend for themselves. They are the party of the haves, and they don't care for the have-nots. 

Strong-armed by use of money, the GOP are against spending programs that assist the low-income, sick and old, like social security and Medicare; unemployment and retirement benefits; and healthcare. It's ironic considering it was the party of Abraham Lincoln who, as we all know, was on the side of the down-trodden during the civil war. (Is he still turning in his grave?)

They are for tax cuts for the wealthy (despite that they are proven to pay less tax than a middle-class earner--the few that are left); for separatism; secret societies; and ensuring the existance of the military industrial complex (please see my article to come about the MIC). 

So why then do ordinary people without bank vote Republican? I live in Florida where 17% of the population is elderly and live off social security, and yet many vote Republican. It's a red, Republican state. Why would they when if the people they vote for had it their way, they'd take away their livelihood and sustenance? Why do so many people who get food stamps, disability or unemployment turn to the right?
There are two key reasons: religion and abortion. Each election, the Grand Old Party pull out their abortion card and pick the religious strings of Christians. America is, whether we like it or not, a Christian nation and many people have strong views against abortion. We hear election after election how they will overturn Roe v Wade. It's a hot topic, and one that gets them elected over and again. This is despite the fact that nothing is ever done about it once they are elected.
Other items on the Republican ticket are geared to those who are conservative and family-oriented, and those on the hard right who believe homosexuality is wrong and other antiquated beliefs. For people who have similar beliefs, regardless of their income, they are sucked in, as if the left do not have family values. And while they are entitled to their views, bigotry does cross party lines.
The way I see it, the people who make up the Republican party have successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of their slaves--we the people. They supervise us and we do all the work for them, and yet many of us have been brainwashed into believing they are our equals. (Like abused kids believing mommy and daddy really does care about them.)
I'm not saying the Democrats are all that different, but at least it is that party they tries or make the appearance to help people. (Emphasis on tries.) This, however, as of the last congressional and presidential elections, has become more questionable. As an Independent voter, I look at the Democrats as a caricature of itself to the far, far left. Like the Republican party, this party too is too extreme in its views, voting and conditions. The middle, more common ground politicians are harder and harder to come by.

As an Independent, I believe the majority of politicians, regardless of party line, come from money and represent their backers when in office. They are disconnected from the common person. Both sides are paid off and both sides have put the country in debt. I personally vote split-ticket and am not for either party, but I am against Republicans more often.
When you think about it, there is often some type of political crisis manufactured by Republican greed that is hidden under the umbrella of economic hardship to the country. In 2013, it was shutting the government down because they didn't get their way on healthcare, like whiney brats throwing a tantrum. They used the "economic-harm-to-the-country" excuse as a political tool and allowed the Tea Party--a very small group of wealthy people--to take control of our country.
Even now that the shutdown is over and the Republicans finally yelled uncle, the country only goes back to its normal dysfunction. And hovering close by is the issue of paying our debts and the restructuring of "Obamacare." Are we in fear of another tantrum if they don't get their way? (It really comes down to this?)
We cannot continue to just forgive and forget. They hold our country hostage, and the damage they cause slowly trickles down in the weeks and months after a "perceived crisis." Already, Standards and Poors estimates government squabbles has cost our economy $24 billion (in 2015), and as it stands, an estimated 800,000 to a 1 million jobs lost in the past few years alone.
More so, people who are not wealthy need to wake up when it comes to voting Republican. They do not care about you! They are more concerned about not having towels in their publicly-paid-for gyms that the people pay for and how many jets they own than the lack of middle-class jobs, our industry that has moved to china so we all buy cheaper and cheaply made products and the dying out of the American dream for everyone. In short, greed comes first.
There are some Republicans who are on the fringe of the right--like a thumb closest to the left hand--that care, but they tend to do what the pinky wants. And what it wants is what's best for wall-street and corporations. Now we have a wall-street president--insane!
What would happen if Republicans ultimately got their way? If you were laid-off and weren't given help with unemployment, housing and food? Would you like to live in a shacktown or homeless encampment like people did during the Great Depression? If you got sick, had no health insurance and couldn't afford the outrageous hospital fees, would you need to just go home and die? (I suppose as long as you did it away from them it would be okay.)
To them, there should be no help with housing! No help with food! No help with education! No help with healthcare! You need to work for what you have and if you can't for whatever reason, such as no jobs, well it's not their problem. This is a capitalistic society and those are not socialist values. ("That's just the way it is, sorry," says the Republican wiping his sweat with the towel you paid for.)
Are these really the people you want representing you?
Write true, write ethical and write right.

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